Wednesday, March 5, 2008


How often have you stumbled home after a long day, exhausted and starving, and wished you could only find a delicious recipe that only used ingredients you already had lying around the house?

Last night I was stumbling around the internet when I happened upon what appears to be a rather ingenious website, SuperCook. Register an account and enter the ingredients that you currently have on hand in your kitchen. The site will then build lists of entrees, desserts and hors d'oeuvres that contain the ingredients you've listed! Talk about handy! The site will also list recipes that you have almost all the ingredients for and will suggest a future shopping list.

There does seem to be a problem or two with the site. For instance, there is no way to specify things like vegetarianism or food allergies, which would really help to make the shopping list feature more personalized and accurate. Still, it seems like SuperCook has strong potential to be a really helpful website. You should definitely check it out!

1 comment:

Kiki said...

Oh my god, that is amazing!!! If only you could specify vegetarian... I have for so long thought a site like that would be amazing, I'm glad to know there's one out there!!!