Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I've been checking out a lot of cookbooks from the library, and have a scanner. What does that mean? Tons of scanned-in recipes and no virtual cookbook to keep them in. That all changes now. I just created cookbookmonster, a virtual repository of all my scanned-in library book recipes (and some of my faves from cookbooks I have at home).
Since TECHNICALLY posting copywrited material on the internet without permission is illegal, you'll need to sign up for a wordpress I.D. (wordpress.com/signup/only create ID) and comment to this post if you want to be added in the "users who can see this blog." Furthermore... let me know if you want to be part of the cookbookmonster project too! The more content we have, the cooler our virtual cookbook can be! (And who knows... someday we could blow outta this virtual popsicle stand and maybe get a website that is better than a blog for this particular purpose.)
Happy almost New Year, and sign up for a wordpress account!
xo, Caroline :)

**Edit: comment with your Wordpress ID's! Then I'll add you, and you will be able to see all my hard work ^_^


Louie said...

lemme see lemme see!

Louie said...

take a guess at my wordpress id...

Meggie said...


I am m-m-m-meggosaur

only one m though ...